The Rock

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615am and no better way to start off FATHER’S DAY than with a “Magical Glitter Facial” aka Unicorn Poo 🦄 💩 😂 I was hanging in my office by 5am Father’s Day morning waiting for my little tornadoes to wake up - then at 615am heard the stampede of little running footsteps, they busted into my office and they said three things that I immediately knew was NOT going to end well…. “Daddy we have a Father’s Day surprise for you” “Lay down” “This might sting your eyes” 😂🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ I’m a sucker for this stuff - our babies grow up fast and I know a time will come when they’re all grown up and running to daddy first thing in the morning will no longer be this daddy’s reality. I LOVE IT and I’ll take every second of this girl dad magic while I can get it. Bring it on 🦄💩😂 Hope all you papas out there had an awesome Fathers Day 🥃👊🏾

Ανεβασμένο 2 εβδομάδες πριν

615am and no better way to start off FATHER’S DAY than with a “Magical Glitter Facial” aka Unicorn Poo 🦄 💩 😂 I was hanging in my office by 5am Father’s Day morning waiting for my little tornadoes to wake up - then at 615am heard the stampede of little running footsteps, they busted into my office and they said three things that I immediately knew was NOT going to end well…. “Daddy we have a Father’s Day surprise for you” “Lay down” “This might sting your eyes” 😂🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ I’m a sucker for this stuff - our babies grow up fast and I know a time will come when they’re all grown up and running to daddy first thing in the morning will no longer be this daddy’s reality. I LOVE IT and I’ll take every second of this girl dad magic while I can get it. Bring it on 🦄💩😂 Hope all you papas out there had an awesome Fathers Day 🥃👊🏾

Ανεβασμένο 2 εβδομάδες πριν

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