The Rock

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Sometimes I just miss my dad. Wish I could give him my truck or give him a little cash. (my old man was an OG so he was all about that cash;) When I met @Isaiah Garza’s dad, Ricardo - he immediately reminded me of my old man. Hard worker, struggled with hard times, but always did what he could to take care of his family. My dad even opened up a cleaning service, just like Isaiah’s dad. And just like my dad back then, the one thing, Ricardo needed was a truck for all his supplies and to get to and from work. I gave Ricardo my personal truck. I gave Ricardo some cash. I think in a way, this moment with Ricardo, felt like my dad was still here with me and I could make him happy. Got me emo. When I cry, I start to whisper. Love you both, Isaiah & Ricardo. I love the father-son bond you have. Take care of each other. Hold on to that hope. I miss my old man.

Subido 2 meses hace

Sometimes I just miss my dad. Wish I could give him my truck or give him a little cash. (my old man was an OG so he was all about that cash;) When I met @Isaiah Garza’s dad, Ricardo - he immediately reminded me of my old man. Hard worker, struggled with hard times, but always did what he could to take care of his family. My dad even opened up a cleaning service, just like Isaiah’s dad. And just like my dad back then, the one thing, Ricardo needed was a truck for all his supplies and to get to and from work. I gave Ricardo my personal truck. I gave Ricardo some cash. I think in a way, this moment with Ricardo, felt like my dad was still here with me and I could make him happy. Got me emo. When I cry, I start to whisper. Love you both, Isaiah & Ricardo. I love the father-son bond you have. Take care of each other. Hold on to that hope. I miss my old man.

Subido 2 meses hace

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